During the winter months, often accompanied by heavy snow, the riming is followed by pruning. Pruning is of fundamental importance for the vine because the unproductive branches are eliminated; the branches that will produce the best grapes during the current year, which are best suited for ensuring a high quality product, are selected and the buds that will give life to the branches the following year are identified.
After this work is carried out the vine plant is tied to the various props and this is done manually exclusively by skilled workers using flexible twigs referred to as “salci” taken from the willow tree, which is very common in our area.
During the summer months extreme care for the vineyards is taken. They are periodically treated with appropriate products and machinery so as to not only keep them in optimum condition but also to ensure the complete maturation of each cluster of grapes.
Between late summer and early autumn, during the months of September and October, the grapes are finally picked (rigorously by hand) and the process of transforming must into wine, which lasts about a month, begins. This is followed by a long period of aging of the product in steel tanks for at least eight months (possibly longer if the wine’s typology requires a lengthier aging period).
Let yourselves be enchanted by the magic of the Landscapes and their stunning panorama.
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